Free Basic Data in Denmark


By Gregers Petersen, Septima - @GregersP


  • About
  • The Basic Data Program
  • Which Data are Now Free?
  • What can We do Now?
  • Impacts
  • The Future



The Basic Data Program?

What is Basic Data?

“...various core information about individuals, businesses, real properties, buildings, addresses, and more.”

"Good Basic Data for Everyone – A Driver for Growth and Efficiency",
The Danish Government / Local Government Denmark, Oct 2012

Basic Data

What is basic data

It is Financing

“ data, cadastral maps, Central Business Register data, and company data will be financed by the government and released to the public and the private sectors...”

It is Quality Enhancement

  • Expansion of data in some datasets/registers
  • Phasing out redundant registers

It is Linkability

What is basic data

It is Distribution

It is Coordination

“ ensure efficient, effective and coordinated development and use of basic data, a cross-institutional basic-data committee is to be established...”

Which Data are Now Free?

All Basic Data*

“...As a general rule, all basic data is to be made freely available to all public authorities, private businesses and individuals.”


Cadastral map and orthophoto

Company Data

  • Data in the Central Business Register is free
  • ...but not the (otherwise public) fiscal information.

Address Data

...though they were already free, and being distributed.

What can We do Now?

Easy Access - Geodata
Portal solution that Kartverket uses too.
(Some of) existing webservices also opened
Ready January 2013!

Easy Access - Addresses

Freed years ago
New web- and download-services released in 2013

Access - Company Data

Subscribtions and downloads,
New web- and download-services have been released
...though we had to wait quite a while for them.

Private Business

B2B and B2C now possible without huge data costs
Quickly testing a new idea with real data is now possible

Enrich own Datasets

Mash-Up and Combine

Combined data (map and DTM)

"Big Data"

Big data is the next big thing, or?

So what can we do?

Almost anything!
Demo time

What Have the Impacts Been?

Seriously High Usage

Mads Bjørn-Møldrup presentation

Other Data Users

New users on Kortforsyningen

Wider Use of Data

Users do not pay

Diverse Use of Data

Media use of DAGI
  • Real Estate sites
  • Graveyard planning software
  • MS Flight Simulator plugins
  • Health systems
  • OpenStreetMap
  • Planners and builders
  • Amateur historians
  • Media
  • ...and many more

Public Administration

  • Use less time on invoicing
  • Avoid licensing doubts giving out data
  • Shortens case waiting time
  • Do core business

Innovation Process


We now make the product, before they might be thought up in the public administration. We take the risk!

We test a lot of ideas, and we create and sell the added value.

Economic gain

No need to cover over 10M DKK of data to start project.

The free addresses gave a direct gain of 14 mio € / year! just the first and second link


I have generally seen more focus on
  • Open Source Software
  • Opening up data - ODIS
  • Contributing/enhancing data

Better Data

Users are interested in good data, and help correct them.
They get involved.

Better Insight

Through media, and own curiosity


We gave them so much, and now they're angry?

Fear and Doubt

What if my house is flooded? What if our data is wrong?


Data can - and will - be used to show something that is wrong.

The Future?

Consolidation & More Data

Data in Datadistributor
More free data - and the datadistributor...

Noone Knows

World of Warcraft - Great Sword of Prides Fall
In 2000 no one would have believed that so many people would pay real money for a special sword in a virtual game

But the future is bright

Thank you for your patience

Gregers Petersen
+45 9132 6945
